Electoral Area C takes in many rural communities surrounding Terrace and Thornhill situated along the rivers and lakes, including the Skeena and Kalum Rivers and Lakelse Lake.
Geographically the area is generally described as the area commencing north of Rosswood, south to Hecate Straight, west of Salvus, east to west of Cedarvale, and includes the following communities:
- Brauns Island
- Butedale
- Chimdemash
- Copperside
- Dutch Valley
- Gitaus / Kitselas
- Gossan
- Jackpine Flats
- Kemano
- Kitasoo/Klemtu
- Kitima’at Village
- Kitsumkalum
- Kleanza
- Lakelse Lake
- New Remo
- North Terrace
- Old Remo
- Rosswood
- Usk
Contact Area C Director: Bruce Bidgood at [email protected]